Tuesday, June 25, 2013

May 8, 2013: 11:39am, Guangzhou

May 8, 2013:  11:39am, Guangzhou

As expected, parenthood is a life changing experience, and one we are so thankful for.  Zia Mei is the love of our life.  It's incredible how quickly we have become a family.  She is incredible.  We are amazed at how easily she took to us and warmed up.  We were expecting the initial bonding experience to take a while longer, and while we know there is still much more attachment and bonding to be done, she has truly surprised us.  She is a genuinely happy baby, and has an amazing temperament. She loves to play ball, stacking cubes, and loves, loves, LOVES when we toss her into the air and catch her.  Her little giggle just melts our hearts, and we have discovered she has dimples on both cheeks when she smiles wide enough!  Simply precious.  

Last night was the first time she truly cried.  Bedtime was a rough one.  She cried for almost an hour before finally tuckering herself out and falling asleep.  We believe she was grieving, which is to be expected.  Poor little thing.  She's such a little trouper.  

This afternoon, we bring her in for her medical exam and go to the police station.  Those are the last two stops to do before the finalization at the end of the trip.  These next several days will be 100% towards bonding and getting to know Zia Mei more and more.  
Even though last night was challenging, she woke up smiling.  She's really beginning to trust us.  When one of us is not around she is unsettled and looking for the missing link.  She smiles and makes sounds and laughs and is just all around a happy little toddler.  She blows kisses too!  It's very cute. We have been enjoying walks around our neighborhood, alternating between the Ergo carrier and the stroller.    
She is now comfortable enough to be in full toddler mode.  Yikes!  She's all over the place and we love it but, of course, she is keeping us on constant red alert! Eric jokes that he's never had more than an hour at a time with one of these things!!! He's learning quickly though, and is the most incredible father already (no surprise there).  I am so blessed to share parenthood with him.

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